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Learn how to avoid reworking sales proposals

Reworking means redoing the same task that, for some reason, was initially completed in the wrong manner or misaligned with business objectives. In the case of sales proposals, rework may arise due to the need to change the details of the proposal or the payment structure.

In fact, reworking can be very detrimental to your business. With that in mind, here are the main disadvantages of reworking and how to prevent it from occurring. 

Why is rework negative?

Doing the same task twice is very common in some businesses, but not everyone understands how damaging this attitude can be. Although it seems simple to have to adjust few details, rework can create at least three issues.

Demotivated employees

When an employee needs to redo a task they’ve completed, it may result in demotivation. In addition to disrupting task execution planning, redoing the same work is somewhat negative feedback. It seeming tells the employee, “Your work isn’t good enough.”

The more frequent reworking arises, the greater the level of employee dissatisfaction and demotivation, leading to decreases in productivity.

Wasted time

Speaking of productivity, rework also leads to wasted time. Redoing a task doesn’t add value; it merely corrects the original mistake.

Thus, more time is spent on the same task without a real increase in results. As a consequence, a company is wasting time that could be better utilized.

In the business world, time is money, so wasting time means wasting resources, which leads to less competitiveness in the market.

Withdrawn customers

When reworking requires direct contact with the consumer, such as when you’re sending the sales proposal or collecting payment, the image transmitted about the company is less positive. The customer feels that the business isn’t prepared and therefore needs to redo tasks. The result is a loss of credibility from the customer’s perspective.

In addition, rework delays service and requires the customer to wait longer to obtain the solution they originally sought. In the end, this decreases their satisfaction with a business. In general, rework can harm a business.

How to avoid reworking in sales proposals

To avoid the disadvantages of rework, avoid rework from the beginning. Here are six ways to reduce the need for rework. 

Create a plan

Ideally, every task should be planned beforehand. At the planning stage, it’s important to define the crucial stages for each task, who is responsible for each task, deadlines, points of possible concern, and more.

This ensures a focus for the team and helps them understand what needs to be accomplished.. Thus, it is easier to ensure that deadlines are executed within the expected parameters. If you want more resources on project management, three popular methodologies are Scrum, 5w2h, PMBOK.

Improve communication with staff

A well-informed team can carry out its functions without major difficulties and with more assertiveness, especially in sales proposals. Therefore, it is worth improving communication with the team so that everyone understands the purpose of the sales proposal, its characteristics, and other important details.

In case of doubts, good communication allows the doubts to be addressed in advance, avoiding the errors that lead to rework.

Be aware of deadlines

It is also important to keep an eye on deadlines. For example, this might prevent a sales proposal from being sent late or with incorrect dates. In addition, deadlines also allow for better planning, ensuring that everything is done efficiently and with a minimum error rate.

Finally, it is worth setting an early deadline for a task, so that it can be reviewed and modified if necessary before being finalized.

Use technology

The smaller the human interference, the less likely there is to be an error due to inattention or ignorance. Therefore, use technology to automate and streamline processes.

In the case of sales proposals, for example, technology can help create and monitor sales proposals, ensuring that the entire process is error-free.

Make a checklist

An important tool, yet underutilized tool, is the checklist. By listing out all the items that must be completed, the checklist can prevent an employee from prematurely marking a task as completed. 

By using a checklist, the team can view errors and identify missing points in order to correct them quickly. Ideally, it should be shared: the more eyes on the list, the easier it is to identify potential problems. Nothing should be approved without being checked to prevent reworking.

Learn from mistakes

Even after putting the five previous tips into practice, it’s possible a task still might require rework. For instance, a sales proposal may have to be redone due to an overlooked detail or an incorrect deadline.

When reworking is inevitable, learning from mistakes is critical. Therefore, whenever problems arise, identify their causes and impacts. By learning from mistakes, it is easier to avoid repeating the same mistakes. While mistakes are inseparable from innovation and the reality of any business, repeating the same mistakes doesn’t have to be.

Due to the harm rework can cause a business, avoid it through communication, attention to deadlines, and the use of technology. In particular, technology can help your business track the status of sales proposals, for example, which ensures better data on areas for improvement. 

Want to learn more about how preventing the reworking of sales proposals? Get in touch with our team!

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